What I’ve learned about investing as a US expat

I’ve now been on this quest to improve my personal financial situation for over six months, and I think I can safely say that I’ve mastered the basics. I’m living within a budget, I don’t have any credit card debt, I’m on track to pay off my student loans within the next year and a half, and I’ve built up my emergency fund. It’s now time to turn more seriously to the topic of investing my money.

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Step 4: Holidays

Holidays are important to me. There’s nothing I like more than that feeling of landing in a new country and anticipating a week of good food, beautiful views, and total relaxation. Spare no expense, I say – holidays are about indulging oneself and buying beautiful things.

I thought that moving to London would be good for my holiday spending – I could take more long weekend trips to Europe, and save on flight and hotel costs. Spain, Italy, Greek islands – here I come! Unfortunately, of course, it hasn’t been quite as easy on my bank balance as I had planned.

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